The Lewisham Polish Center (LPC) is a charity (Registered under the Charities Act 1960 No. 264998), founded in 1963 in south-east London by Polish immigrants. The main goal was to help Poles who were forced by the fate and events of World War II to these foreign territories. Help, both material and moral, be it through help in official matters, housing, or spiritual needs, such as preserving the Polish language or the possibility of continuing the faith in the Roman Catholic rite.
Organizational matters were regulated in 1972, when the Statute of the Center was developed and approved, the so-called Declaration of Trusteeship (English edition and Polish translation), and in 2015, when changes and amendments were made to the Articles of Association in order to update them to modern times - the 21st century. The Statute regulates the conditions that must be met to become a member of the LPC Centre, how the Center is governed, what powers and responsibilities the Committee and Trustees have and how they are selected.
The Polish Lewisham Center is a democratic organization in which each member of the Center has the same right to decide on the activities and fate of the Centre. At the annual General Meeting of the members of the LPC Center, everyone has the right to elect their representatives to the Board of the Centre or to run for themselves.
The main objectives of the trust are:
Helping beneficiaries and their children in obtaining better education, both in the British and Polish educational systems, as well as supporting the learning of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs.
To promote and strengthen the Roman Catholic religion and Catholic Charities.
The Charter of the LPC and the Resolutions of the Trustees are written in English, but you can also read their Polish translation.
The Lewisham Polish Center exists and operates thanks to those who volunteer for its activities and support it financially. Membership fees are one of the main sources of the Center's maintenance, because the Center does not receive any subsidies or subsidies, and must take care of its own finances.
The LPC Centre is the owner of the Centre House (8 Waldram Park Road), where Holy Masses of the Lewisham Local Polish Catholic Mission are regularly held, children at the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Mother Language School learn about the homeland of their ancestors, meetings of organisations operating under the LPC umbrella are held . The house is always open to any events in the spirit of Polishness, be it happy or sad. Open to all who wish to use it in good faith.
Just like the LPC Centre - open to everyone.
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